Monday, 21 March 2016

Educational Learning Aids for Engineering Mechanics / Applied Mechanics

Engineering Mechanics is the common subject for all the core engineering streams. It is an important subject for the Engineering steams like Mechanical, Civil, Automobile, Architectural, etc. and hence the basics of Engineering Mechanics should be learnt well. Application of mechanics is in every important branches.

The educational aid (elearning software) for Engineering Mechanics for SoftTech is useful as it covers basic concepts of this subject with the help of graphics and animations wherever applicable.

It is basically covers two sections; Statics and Dynamics. The coverage of this elearning software is as follows.

Section –I : Statics

Chapter 1 : Introduction

Types of body, Force, Resolution of a Force, Law of Parallelogram, Law of Triangle, Lami's Theorem, Transmissibility of Force, Equilibrium of Collinear Forces, Stable, Unstable & Neutral Equilibrium, Resultant of Coplaner Force System, Parallel Forces in a Plane, Moment of a Force about a Point, Varigon's Theorem, Applications of  Varigon's Theorem, Beam & types of Beam, Types of Load, Types of Support, Static Equilibrium for a Particle, Free Body Diagram, Beam Deflection.


Chapter 2 : Pin Jointed Plane Frames

Introduction, Analysis of Pin-Jointed Perfect Trusses, Condition for Rigid or Perfect Truss, Methods of Joint, Methods of Section, Frames, Special Cases in Trusses


Chapter 3 : Centre of Gravity & Moment of Inertia

Centre of Gravity (CG):

Definition, Centroid of Uniform Lamina, C.G. of Standard Figures, Centroid of Triangular Lamina, Centriod of Area of Circular Sector, Centroid of Quarter Circle, Centroid of Semi-Circle, Centroid of a Composite Length of Bent Wire, Centroid of Circular Arc

Moment of Inertia (MI):

Moment of Inertia of a Lamina, Perpendicular Axis Theorem, Parallel Axis Theorem, M.I. of Rectangular Lamina, Polar Moment of Inertia, Square Lamina, Rectangular Lamina with a Centrally Situated Rectangular Hole, M.I. of Triangular Lamina, M.I. of the elemental strip about x-x axis, M.I. of the Whole Lamina about x-x axis, Circular Lamina of Radius R, M.I. of a Circular Lamina with a Centrally Situated Circular Hole, M.I. of Semicircular Lamina, M.I. of Quadrant, Radius of Gyration of an Area, Mass Moments of Inertia of Various Bodies

Chapter 4 : Friction

Definition, Limiting Friction, Laws of Dry Friction, Angle of Friction, Cone of Friction, Angle of Repose, Belt Friction, Screw Thread, Screw Jack, Wedge, Screws, Self-locking screw.

Chapter 4 : Forces in Space

Rectangular Components of a Force, Position Vector, Resultant of Concurrent Forces in Space, Equilibrium of a Particle in Space, Dot Product of Two Vectors, Vector or Cross Product, Moment of a Force, Resultant of System of Parallel Forces, Equilibrium of a System of Parallel Forces, Non-concurrent, Nonparallel System, Equilibrium of General System of Forces, Reactions in 3 Dimensional Structures.


Section –II: Dynamics

Chapter 1 : Kinematics of Particles

Introduction, Speed and Velocity, Displacement-Time Graphs, Velocity-Time Graphs, Acceleration-time graphs, Classification of Rectilinear Motion of a Particle

Chapter 2 : Kinetics of Particles

Newton's First Law, Newton's Law (D' Alembert's Principle), Work and Energy, Work of a Constant Force in Rectilinear Motion, Important Points about work of a Force, Work of the Force of Gravity, Work of the Force of Spring, Energy of a Particle, Principle of Work Energy,

Potential energy of gravity, Potential energy of a spring, Potential Energy (V), Conservative Forces, Principle of Conservation of Energy, Power, Impact and Collision, Impulse and Momentum.

Chapter 3 : Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies, Rotation, Motion at constant angular acceleration, Linear & Angular Velocity, General Plane motion, Instantaneous Centre of Rotation, Location of Instantaneous Centre

Chapter 4 : S. H. M. and Compound Pendulum

Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M.), Pendulum Motion, Mass Moment of Inertia

Chapter 5 : Kinetics of Rigid Bodies

D'Alemtert's Principle, Statement of Work-Energy Principle, K.E. of a body Rotating about Fixed axis through C.G., Work-Energy relation for a rigid body, Power of a couple, Kinetic energy of a rigid body, Potential Energy

It is also available on Flipkart for online Purchase, Engineering Mechanics:

Educational Learning Aids for Engineering Drawing / Engineering Graphics

Friends ! When we are in First Year of Engineering we have to study Engineering Drawing or Engineering Graphics which is a practical subject. We have to learn a lot as well as we have to practice for the drawings.

One question always in our mind why we are studying this subject? what is its use? Where do we see shapes like cycloid, epicycloid, hypocycloid and all ! We do not remember all the methods of drawing various objects. There should be some tool that will refresh what we have learnt.

Yes, there is a elearning tool for learning the basic concepts of Engineering Drawing. This elearning software was earlier available for the institutes only, but now it is available for everyone. So evenif you are a student, you can purchase it for your own use or you can use it by sharing with your friends.

You will really enjoy the Engineering Drawing subject while learning.

Chapters covered: Engineering drawing basic concepts, orthographic projections, isometric projections, interpretation of views, engineering curves and loci of points, projection of point, lines and planes, projection of solids, development of solids, intersection of solids, computer aided drafting.

 Just visit on Flipkart,